
Mastering the Art of Re-engagement: Rekindling Interest in Your Legal Tech Solution

Written by Cathy Kenton | Oct 9, 2024 11:30:26 PM

In the fast-paced world of legal technology, client engagement can sometimes wane. However, a well-crafted re-engagement email can reignite interest and breathe new life into dormant relationships. Let's explore the key elements of an effective re-engagement campaign, using a compelling example from WordRake as our guide.

The Power of a Strong Subject Line

The journey to re-engagement begins with the subject line. WordRake's approach is both bold and intriguing: "Is this the end of our relationship?" This immediately captures attention and creates a sense of urgency. It's personal, direct, and prompts the recipient to open the email.

For your legal tech startup, consider subject lines that evoke curiosity or hint at value, such as "We've missed you. Here's what you've been missing..." or "Your legal workflow is about to change. Are you ready?"

Acknowledging the Elephant in the Room

WordRake's email opens with a frank admission: "Oh dear. It looks like we've lost your attention." This honesty is refreshing and disarming. It shows respect for the recipient's time and choices.

In your re-engagement efforts, don't shy away from addressing the lapse in communication. You might say, "We noticed you haven't used our legal research tool lately. We'd love to know why." This approach opens the door to valuable feedback and demonstrates your commitment to improvement.

Offering Clear Choices

The WordRake email provides clear, easy-to-understand options. Recipients can choose to provide feedback, resubscribe, or do nothing. This respects the recipient's agency and makes the next steps crystal clear.

For your legal tech solution, you could offer options like:

  1. Schedule a demo of our latest features
  2. Share your thoughts on what you need from a legal tech tool
  3. Unsubscribe from future communications

Each option should be accompanied by a clear call-to-action button or link.

Adding Value

Notice how WordRake doesn't just ask for re-engagement - they offer something of value. They invite the recipient to share feedback on an upcoming release, potentially making the user feel like an insider.

You could apply this by offering exclusive access to a new feature, a free consultation, or a whitepaper on emerging legal tech trends. The key is to demonstrate ongoing value to your dormant contacts.

Respecting Privacy and Consent

WordRake's email clearly states that they will delete the contact's information after 30 days of inactivity. This shows respect for data privacy and creates a sense of urgency.

In your re-engagement campaigns, be transparent about your data practices. You might say, "To ensure we're only sending emails to those who want them, we'll remove your contact from our list in 14 days unless you click here to stay subscribed."

Timing and Follow-up

While not explicitly mentioned in the WordRake example, timing is crucial for re-engagement emails. Consider sending these emails when your legal tech solution has a significant update or during slower periods in the legal calendar.

As for follow-up, one email is often not enough. Plan a sequence of 2-3 emails, each offering different value propositions. But remember, if a contact doesn't engage after this sequence, it's best to respect their implicit decision and cease further communication.

Measuring Success

Track metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and re-engagement actions. These will help you refine your approach over time.

Remember, the goal of re-engagement isn't just to maintain a large email list. It's about rekindling relationships with potential clients who could benefit from your legal tech solution. By following these principles and continuously refining your approach, you can turn dormant contacts into active, engaged clients, setting the stage for a strong end-of-year performance.



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